Promotional materials


Promotional materials

Looking for resources to help promote the ZEST project? You’ve come to the right place!

ZEST official A3 poster

Download our exclusive project poster and explore groundbreaking findings, innovative solutions, and key takeaways at a glance!

ZEST concept note

Discover the key insights of the power of fungi! Whether you’re a researcher, policymaker, or enthusiast, this visual summary will keep you informed and inspired

ZEST official logo

Journalist? Researcher? Fungi enthusiast? Download our official project logo and help spread the word about cutting-edge research driving the future of bio-based solutions. 

ZEST official brochure

Our official brochure presents essential details about the project in an easy-to-read format, helping stakeholders quickly grasp its objectives, impact, and key actions.

Very soon

Very soon

Very soon

Very soon

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