2025, here we come!

new year

A greener future is not a distant dream; it’s a collective effort that starts today. Thank you for being part of this journey with us.

Happy New Year from ZEST!

As we step into the New Year, we’re filled with hope and determination to make 2025 a year of impactful change! Together, let’s continue to rethink, redesign, and regenerate for a more sustainable world through the principles of the circular bioeconomy.

A greener future is not a distant dream; it’s a collective effort that starts today. Thank you for being part of this journey with us. Here’s to a year of growth, innovation, and sustainability. Let’s make 2025 unforgettable for all the right reasons!

Where to find us

👉🏽 X: Follow for real-time project updates, news, and live event highlights.

👉🏽LinkedIn: Engage with in-depth content, professional insights, and project discussions.

👉🏽 YouTube: Watch inspiring videos and interviews featuring project partners, researchers, and key findings.

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