ZEST holds second General Assembly remotely

EST holds 2nd General Assembly online

While some tasks remain in the design phase, other work packages are already advancing according to the initial planning proposal.

On the to-do list, the consortium aims to move forward with the creation of an advisory board, finalise the dates for the next in-person general assembly, and launch a YouTube channel and newsletter.

On December 4, the beneficiaries of the ZEST project convened the second general assembly remotely to discuss their progress and strategise for the first half of 2025.

Representatives from the twelve entities promoting the initiative, with support from the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) and its members, attended the meeting, which began at 9:30 am and lasted until 3:30 pm with breaks in between.

While some tasks remain in the design phase, other work packages (WP) are already advancing according to the initial planning proposal. Quh-Lab Food Safety, the entity leading WP1 Fungi Screening and Test Fermentation, is currently focusing on screening and studying the properties of two additional fungi strains. They are conducting the main investigations in shake flasks.

The primary risk, according to WP 3 Digital Modelling, Process Monitoring, and Control, is obtaining sufficient and interesting data, said the representative of the partner VizLore Labs Foundation.

Danish Technological Institute, the entity coordinating ZEST, has also initiated WP4 Downstream Processes. Laboratory experiments, starting with lab-scale tests of biomass recovery, dominate the first six months.

Regarding WP7 Dissemination and Communication, the Spanish partner CTA presented the features of the brand-new project website, its visual identity, and insisted on the importance of showcasing the initiative and establishing collaborations with other similar initiatives. 

2025, here we go

On the to-do list, the consortium aims to move forward with the creation of an advisory board, finalise the dates for the next in-person general assembly, and launch a YouTube channel and newsletter. Stay posted!

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